Trenčevska from the regional conference “Loudly and courageously pushing the boundaries”: Although we are different, we are still the same in the challenges we face, learning from each other we should push the boundaries together

The two-day regional conference entitled “Challenges faced by women and girls in the region on the way to the EU – Loudly and courageously moving the borders” which was held in Skopje, organized by the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy, was the culmination of the activities of the Ministry which he realized during the whole month of March.

At the very end of the two-day conference, the Minister of Labor and Social Policy, Jovanka Trenchevska, spoke, who presented conclusions and impressions from the ministry’s field activities and the experience presented by the participants from the country and the region, during the two-day conference.

“In a month, we traveled 3,000 kilometers, we spoke with 1,500 women, today and yesterday, in addition, with about 300 more women. We heard many inspiring stories, we also heard many problems, we also heard from our colleagues from the countries of the region that although we are different, in different specifics, we are still the same in the challenges we face. And precisely for these 30 days, as long as I and my team are in the field, the Equal Opportunities Sector which really supports us in our entire agenda and which then needs to translate all the challenges into policies, I believe that such meetings will contribute to better policies, concrete measures, precisely to improve the quality of all. These two days we have heard that we have an excellent legal regulation, what is missing and what is a challenge for all of us, for all the countries in the region, is its implementation and that we should dedicate ourselves together”, Minister Trenchevska said.

The minister addressed the deputies from the Assembly of the Republic of North Macedonia, pointing out their important role in the whole process and thanked them for their support “I have been a minister for a year and three months, I thank them for the support they give, especially for that woman solidarity that should be emphasized. Here are the colleagues from other institutions, within the Government, the directors and representatives from the Centers for Social Work, who are a very important link when we talk about equality, to reach out to everyone, especially the vulnerable categories of citizens, and of course the media, which are very important Trenchevska pointed out.

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